To begin the Production process, we've identified a hierarchy of props needed for key scenes and environments in our animation trailer. In this way, we hope to be able to delegate tasks efficiently with a clear list of objectives in mind. This list will most likely be subject to change as we delve into the depths of production.
- • Baby
- • Kids
- • Policemen (with megaphone and gun props)
- • Policecar
- • Baby Tube/Pod
- • Control Panels
- • Wires, Cables
- • Alarm
- • Lights
- • Clipboard, Pen, Mug
- • Blackboard
- • Signs/Posters
- • Elevator
- • Houses (2-3 variations)
- • Lamppost
- • Telephone Pole
- • Fences (wooden)
- • Fire hydrant
- • Drains
- • Dustbin
- • Pavement
- • Trees
- • Car
- • Police Radio
- • Sandbox
- • Bucket, spade
- • Fence
Initial delegation of tasks
Elliot - Street Props
Dan - Laboratory Props
Kin - Kids, Policecar, policemen
Leo - Baby, Previs/Blocktest, Set Dressing
A top secret government research facility located in the centre of the Earth, becomes the root of a close guarded secret and its escape to the planets surface. The secret, known as ‘Project 6’, is an entirely synthesised baby bred to be the perfect killing machine. However, Project 6 escapes his incubation pod before fully maturing and makes a break for the surface. Alone and confused, Project 6 unleashes terror upon the unsuspecting citizens of suburban America, using his innate ability to transform his arm into a Chainsaw.
The secret government group attempt to find and return their work by any means necessary. Will Project 6 ever be free and have a real life, or will he be forced back into a cage?
As of time of posting, the video is still being processed on youtube. It may take some time to become available.
Its seems killer babies is not a foreign concept to cinema, with the franchise 'It's Alive' spawning several sequels and a modern remake.
It's Alive (1974) trailer.
'Its Alive!' - Will be all you hear for the next 30 seconds! The tone of the trailer has become completely amusing with the passing of time. Also note the number of times we are shown random clips of people shooting, supposedly at the killer baby.
Its Alive (2008) trailer.
A baby born to a human couple turns out to be a mutant monster with an appetite to kill. This trailer seems much more sinister in terms of tone and with the use of conventional film trailer techniques. Its also interesting to note the baby itself is hardly shown in both trailers in an attempt to keep the suspense and tension high.
As such, our trailer itself could parody and pastiche films such as these with our own Chainsaw wielding baby being the perfect setup for a killer infant on the loose.
The animatic for our trailer is live!
As a studio, we had our pitch on Wednesday where we were required to present our proposal for our trailer. We are pleased to say that our pitch was well received in terms of concept and direction. Our animatic also got a few chuckles from our peers, which is always encouraging in that it suggests the trailer is working to an extent, even at this early stage. However, there is still a number of things we need to refine and resolve before we begin production, so onwards with our development.
Fonts used above:
Some other fonts that is worth a look.
Fonts that capture a chainsaw/cutting effect
Standard Retro font
Baby character concept #3
“Day Of The Chainsaw Wielding Baby From The Centre Of The Earth”
Trailer Script
A KLED Animations Film
Ext. Quiet sub-urban town
Camera pans down to darkness
Int. Dark underground laboratory
Camera slowly begins to show some of the lab with a slight
Zoom and pan
Int. Automatic lab doors (lab)
“Did you remember to secure project 6, Johnson?”
“Yes Sir, Dr. Grahams!”
Int. test tube containing project 6 (lab)
Position, suspended by life supporting/giving tubes.
Bubbles begin to increase in number and intensity
Test tube begins to crack
Cut to black
Cut back in
Escape of the laboratory, while water gushes from the broken
Tube, and industrial alarms sound off.
Int. hallway towards exit elevator (lab)
Passing by all kinds of equipment and doors
Int. end of hallway, elevator room (lab)
Smiling and laughing
Int. elevator room (lab)
‘Laboratory’ to ‘Surface’
Fade to black
Fade in
Ext. Swing Park, daytime
And happy place
The park
Speech “we need to get rid of this thing, the cops are coming!”
Ext. Sandbox (park)
The pod in which Project 6 escaped in, pops up out of the
Sandbox, spitting him out and the popping back underground
Ext. Sandbox (park)
Teens see the baby, happy and giggling alone in the sandbox
Fade in
Ext. sandbox (park)
Zoom to
Ext. sandbox (park)
(camera pans to chainsaw)
Saw revs violently
Ext. beneath tree (park)
Ext. beneath tree (park)
Ext. in front of tree (park)
The chainsaw revs and as it does, the cat is heard giving one 'Meow'.
The tree stops shaking and rustling and pauses briefly.
A baby crying is heard.
Int. army barracks (office)
The shouting being heard through it
Speech “How the hell could you let that thing out!? Get it back
And undercover immediately… by any means necessary”
Ext. sub-urban town (street)
The baby walks past, chainsaw revving and unknowingly
Cuts through the power (left to right – on and off)
(close up) the camera zooms into the cut power lines
Ext. sub-urban town
Img. Newspaper headline
“Town destroyed by unknown assailant”
Ext. Army barracks
Ext. sub-urban town
Fire hydrants, causing floods along the gutters of the street.
Ext. sub-urban town
Sub-urban streets, in search for project 6
Cut to black
Cut back in
of tanks and other military machinery.
Speech “Project 6, you’re coming with us, drop your weapon or
We WILL open fire”
Ext. deserted hideout area of baby
Saw revs violently for a split second before:
The Day Of The Chainsaw Wielding Baby From The Centre Of The Earth
A top secret government research facility, located in the centre of the earth, becomes the root of a close guarded secret and its escape to the planets surface. The secret known as ‘Project 6’ is an entirely synthesised baby. ‘Project 6’ escapes his incubation pod before fully maturing and makes a break for light elevator, enabling him to reach the top of the world. Upon reaching the earth’s surface, the baby has a chainsaw taped to his arm, by two troubled teens in an attempt to conceal evidence. Naturally a baby with a lethal limb begins causing a catalogue of mayhem, all the while, the secret government group attempt to find and return their work by any means necessary. Will the baby have a real life, or will he be forced back into a cage?
A refined synopsis, script and storyboard should be on their way to the blog.
Here is the animatic so far. Its still in its early stages - need to receive sound and the rest of the frames to add in.
Essentially, we see a suburban park before panning down to the depths of the earth to reveal the laboratory. The lab malfunctions and the baby is allowed to escape through an elevator the surface of the suburban park.
Concepts for the elevator, which is the baby's means of escape to the surface. Initially, we thought of a old rustic sort of elevator for further atmosphere under the depths of Earth. Yet in light of the overall aesthetic, perhaps the simpler round elevator would work better particularly when rising to the surface in a comedic manner.
Laboratory Concept #02
Another concept piece developing the laboratory scene further. Again, I'm trying to capture the iconic shot of the baby in a growth tube/pod.
Experimenting with some varying designs of the growth pod. The more rounder shapes tend to take the setting a bit too sci-fi so I stuck with the more traditional cylinder shape.
About Us
KLED Animations is a team of students working together on a collaborative project at the University of the Creative Arts Rochester on CG Arts & Animation. We are currently producing an animation short trailer for the festival Retro-Fest.
- Props - Street - Mailbox closed
- Props - Street - PicketFence1
- Props - Street - Trash can
- Production Forecast
- Park Concept
- Town Street Concept
- Town Street References
- Synopsis Updated
- Marketing: Ident Final?
- StoryBoard Updated
- Marketing: Business Card Designs, Final
- It's Alive!
- Animatic + Pitch
- Title Designs
- Marketing: PowerPoint Template
- Baby character concept #3
- Marketing: Promotional *Teaser* Poster
- Teenagers concept
- Tralier script (w/o v.o & score)
- Final Synopsis
- Animatic (Work in Progress)
- Elevator Concepts
- Elevator References
- Test Intro Video
- Laboratory Concept #02
- Rhythm Town
- Final Trailer Synopsis and Rough StoryBoard
- Baby character concepts #1
- Next Meeting
- Laboratory Concept #01
- Laboratory References
- Finances + Studio Roles
- Marketing: Business Card Designs, Revised.
- Pixar Short: Jack-Jack Attack!
- Business Card Designs
- Influential Video
- Trailer Script 1 (maximum available detail)
- Final Logo
- Chainsaw Films
- Revisied Logo #2